Tulip Update 3rd April
We are getting lots of queries about the tulips – we have had a mild winter and warm, rainy spring so some of the earlier varieties are providing gorgeous flashes of colour in the gardens already.
We plant a lot of later flowering varieties though so many of our tulips are still in bud. We will keep posting updates as they come out – click on the link to see more Tulip Updates. Once they flower the tulips usually last for around three weeks (weather allowing of course!!) and so should be putting on a good show for our Tulip Festival … we have 100 different varieties on show, so some earlier ones and some later ones, so there will hopefully be a good show all the way through into early May.
Gardens, Cafe and Gift Shop are open Tuesday to Saturday, Bank Holiday Mondays and Special Event Days until 28th September. The Tulip Festival, when BlomsBulbs will be here with a display of cut tulips, giving advice and taking orders, runs from Monday 22nd April every day through to Bank Holiday Monday 6th May. Tickets are sold on the gate on the day (coach groups must book, but all individual tickets are sold here on the day of your visit).