Happy new year
So far this winter the garden team have planted over 48,000 tulip bulbs ready for our annual Tulip Festival (20th April to 4th May 2022).
Head and Assistant Head Gardeners Greg and Fiona have designed a new area containing Acers and a Cercis canadensis underplanted with Heucheras, ferns and Brunnera. These and some other areas of trees have been planted for the Queen’s Green Canopy.
Some pathway improvement is underway – particularly where some have collapsed down towards the bottom ponds.
Lots of mulching is being done around the gardens (this has to be completed well before the tulip foliage starts to show so the new leaves don’t get scorched).
Rose pruning is about to start too – the climbers will be first!
(image is the frost dissipating in the morning sun over the herbaceous borders this morning – the fencing shown here is all around the gardens at the moment in an attempt to keep pests away from all the tulip bulbs)