Garden update
It has been so lovely to see people in the gardens and gift shop and (finally!) back on the terrace enjoying refreshments. Big thank you to all who came out this week and hope we will see some more of you next week (gardens and cafe open Tuesday to Saturday, 10am to 4pm and gift shop open Tuesday to Saturday, 11am to 4.30pm).
The gardeners have been very busy putting in the summer bedding – we have just about finished planting the many many dahlias (ready for the Dahlia Days event in early September). Lots of Heliotropes, Salvias, Scaevolas, Gazanias and Ageratum ‘Blue Mink’, and more, have been inter planted with the dahlias in different beds … Nicotiana sylvestris will be going in next week.
At the moment blue geraniums are at their peak in the blue beds, hydrangeas are out and looking lovely, and at this time of year the hot borders are really starting to look their best.
Picture taken by our Head Gardener Greg.